
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Character Information

Name: Cadogan Nekare
Nickname: Cad, Dogan
Species: Wolf
Home World: Asmiara
Home Land: Klalyr Woods
Accent Sounds Like: Finnish
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 6'2"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Wolf Form

Coat Color: White
Eye Color: Green
Height: 2'8" 
Length: 5'2"

Cadogan's mother had been born a wolf even through both her parents were not. This came about because his grandmother had been brutally attacked by a couple wolves within the woods. She survived, but the attack left her with scars--both mentally and physically. His grandparents were expecting the attack to change his grandmother. They did not know how long it took for those invited with the wolf virus to change, but they were certain that she would. More over, they were uncertain how these chances would affect the unborn child growing within her womb. His grandmother had not known she was pregnant before the attack, but the news of an incoming baby arrived soon after. The month ticked until his grandmother gave birth to his mother.

It was within that moment his grandparents realized why his grandmother hadn't changed. Instead of affecting her, the virus decided to affect the unborn child growing within her womb. His grandmother--still traumatized by the attack--wanted nothing to do with her new born daughter. She was reminded of the attack every time she looked at her. His grandfather tried to provide for his daughter, but with each passing day his wife became increasingly hateful towards their child until he decided that it was best to remove his daughter from their home, and find a pack to give her to. Another reason why he thought having his daughter live with a wolf pack was good was because he thought they would help her understand her nature in ways they could not. They could help her grow and develop in ways he could not.

More than that, she could be raised within an environment among those that loved and adored her instead of regarding her with nothing more than contempt and hate. So, he set out to find a wolf pack. He knew nothing of wolves---only what he heard in tales. He did not know the different packs. He did know that some of the packs were more cruel and hateful than others, and he did not wish to give his daughter to one of these packs. He traveled to the Klalyr Woods where he knew the wolves liked to roam. He traveled the woods for a few hours before he stumbled upon a pack. He was nervous. Fearing the worst, but hoping for the best. However, when none of the wolves attacked him on sight he thought that he found the right pack to raise his daughter and within a few moments his assumptions were proven true.

The alpha of the pack stepped forward and asked why Cadogan's grandfather had come to their territory with a toddler in toll. It was clear from his tone that he didn't approve of this decision. Cadogan's grandfather quickly explained the situation. How his wife been attacked by wolves walking the woods near their home. How she used to love going into the woods, but the attack took that from her. He explained how she was terrified of becoming a wolf, herself and how she became devastated that their child had been changed into a wolf instead of her. He told him how his wife hated their child. She was a reminder of the attack. More than that she was a reminder of a mother's failure to protect her child. He didn't think his daughter deserved to be raised in an environment filled with such contempt.

He wanted better for her, and he knew that deep down that his wife felt the same. The only thing he hoped is that he wasn't too slow in removing his daughter from the hostile environment that she had been living in with his wife, and before he could ask the Alpha if he would take full custody of his child the alpha offered to do just that. The alpha, whom told the man his name was Ashir, promised that his pack will teach his daughter what it means to be a wolf. More than that they will love her as she deserved to be loved--as her father wished her to be loved. This pleased his grandfather, and with a heavy--yet hopeful--heart he bit farewell to his daughter, and that was the last time he ever laid eyes upon his little girl.

Cadogan's mother grew up happy within her new home. Whether she remember her previous home had been like she never said, but it appeared that her mother's cruelty didn't have any affect upon her. She came to develop romantic feelings for Ashir, but some part of her knew that he wasn't the one. She didn't love him as a wolf loves her mate, and knew that he felt the same. However, that did not mean they couldn't find some happiness together. They did just that and during that time Cadogan's mother gave birth to two beautiful children. Cadogan and his older sister. It was shortly after the birth of her son that his mother found the man whom would become her mate. A recently changed male whom sought a pack to help him better understand what was happening to him.

Cadogan and his sister--like their mother--had a happy childhood within the pack. Being Ashir's children gave them no special treatment. In fact, it might be said that more was expected of them because they were Ashir's children and the one that expected the most was their own father. Cadogan believed that his father only pushed his sister and him so much because he believed that because they were his children they should be the very best of their people. They should show the world what wolves are like. Cadogan thieved within this environment. The more his father pushed him the brighter he shined. He was everything that his father thought he should be. His sister, on the other hand, didn't fair so well. She struggled to meet their father's exceptions. She was quick to anger and the more she felt like she was a disappoint to her father the shorter her fuse became.

The pressure eventually became too much for his sister that she just left one day. In spite their difference, Cadogan had been very close to his sister and he was devastated when he discovered she had decided to leave the pack. He went into a depressive state for a while, and might have remained there for longer if one of his friends hadn't decided not to let him wallow in his despair. Most member of the pack had thought it was best to let him deal with his grief on his own. They believed that the sorrow he felt over his sister's departure will eventually fade, but his friend didn't believe this. She believed that his sorrow would eventually fade, but only if he was actually out living. She believed that if he was allowed to wallow to his heart's content that was the only thing he would do.

She believed the only way to get him to overcome his grief was to distract him from it. She made it her mission to do this. Everyday she would come to visit him, and take him upon what she called 'adventures of a lifetime.' It worked. His friend pulled him out of his depressive state, and Cadogan returned to being the wolf he had been before his sister had left. His friend's effort, also, endured her to him. They became inseparable, and eventually they developed romantic feelings for each other. Many member of the pack wasn't surprised by this news. In fact, they were quite happy with this development. They believed that Cadogan and his friend were the perfect match. There were rumors that they were mates, but neither Cadogan or his friend stated on way or another how they felt about this rumor.

Eventually, she became pregnant. They were both overjoyed by the news, and did everything to prepare for the bundle of joy that they were about to bring into the world. The idea of starting a family pleased Cadogan to no end, and from what he understand the woman whom he was going to start this family with felt the same way. There was nothing that scared or exited him more than the idea of being a father. Their joy and worry over the news they both were going to be parents increased when they received news that she was going to give birth not to one bundle of joy but three. However, they did everything to prepare themselves for the two extra lives they were going to bring into the world. Nothing, however, would prepare them from the grief of losing a child.

The pregnancy was hard upon Cadogan's lover, and it didn't take long for the midwife to decided that she should remain upon bed rest. She did everything she told, listen to every advice the midwife gave her in order to keep her children inside her womb for as long as possible, but still she gave birth to her children sooner than the midwife would have liked. Still, the midwife was hopeful. They were not born so early that they had no chance of living, and the fact that all three babies were born screaming was an good sign. Cadogan's and his lover were the proud parents of two beautiful baby boys and a gorgeous baby girl. They were the most precious things within his eyes. Looking upon them, Cadogan realized just how insignificant and unimportant everything else was within the universe.

He vowed to be the best father he could. He vowed to be the type of man that his children idealized--the type of man they were proud to call their father. However, it appeared fate decided to take that away from him. His sons only lived for a month before succumbing to death, and it appeared that his daughter was not far behind. Both he and his lover were devastated over this news, but his lover took the news worse than he did. He tried to take upon the role that she had when his sister had left. He tried to help her overcome her grief, but she wanted nothing to do with him. People told him to leave her be. They told him that she was so upset because she believed she had failed him. She knew how much he loved their children. How much he was looking forward to being a father, and she believed the fact they were dead or dying was her fault.

She could not look upon him without being reminded of what she had failed to give him. Cadogan tried to get her to understand while he was heartbroken over what happened to their sons' deaths that she was no way to blame for it. She was no more at fault than he was, but those words went upon deaf ears. Still, he was not about to give up. He would have kept pushing. He would have kept fighting for her to understand that their sons' deaths was not her fault, but his daughter's conditions improved greatly. In fact, the midwife was certain she had left the danger zone of being born too early. Cadogan knew that he could no longer sit around trying to help the mother of his children overcome his grief. He knew that he had to take care of his daughter, but he believed that his lover would eventually come out of her grief stricken state and become the mother he knew that she was.

He would bring their daughter over to where she was staying. Hoping that contact with their child would help her realize that she had not failed him. They might have lost two son, but they still had a beautiful baby girl. It worked. It was a slow process, and there were times that he had his doubt, but any doubt he had vanished upon seeing the way her eyes lit up whenever she watched their daughter--especially when she made some kinda a progress in her develop. The last remnants of her despair seemed vanished when their daughter learned to walked. He knew that it was still there. The pain he felt over his son's death had not vanished, but he knew that she had decided to stop dwelling upon it.

The years have passed and their daughter had become a very clever and inquisitive little girl. Cadagon cannot help looking upon her with pride more than that she is a child that seems not to care about pack alliances. Whether this remains to be so is another story, but for a moment she willing and determined to make friends with everyone regardless of which pack they belong to or a pack period. It doesn't matter within her mind if her friend is a wolf or not. She has started a group that she calls Puppies United, and within her mind everyone is a member of this group--whether they realize it or not. He knew that she was going to be a handful the moment she started to walk. She was one of those children whom once started just doesn't want to stop, but he will change nothing about her. He loves every inch of her.

Cadogan and the mother of his daughter returned to being friends, but their relationship never fully recover. They did not go back to being lovers. This did not matter. Their relationship returned to what it was before the death of their sons--aside from the fact they no longer shared the same bed, and just like he took to the role of being a father she took to the role of being a mother. It is clear to him that she loves their daughter, and that just like him she wants the best for her. Through, they differ from time to time on their opinion on what that is. Still, they are more or less a happy family. Even if the reality turned out to be very different than their dreams.

Face Portrayed By: Jon Kortajarena

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